Skin Treatments - Other Treatments Treatment For STRIA

Skin Treatments - Other Treatments Treatment For STRIA

Skin treatment Stria Treatment with fraxel laser

Stria develops as the result of thinning of skin, damage of collagen and fibers. It may also develop due to the conditions which impair skin elasticity (pregnancy, fast weight gain etc.), side effects of some medications. These striae may develop in thigh, posterior side of the knees, abdomen and chest.

Stria may be treated with laser, dermoroller,mesotherapy, PRP. These methods may also be used in combination depending on the structure of stria and skin.

Fractional laser is among the most effective methods for treatment of stria. Collagen gets dense with heat effect of fractional laser and skin begins to heal. Skin may be treated through skimming with fractional laser. All of these methods may also be used in combination.

Three-for sessions may be required depending on the structure of stria and skin. One session takes 30-60 min. Intervals between sessions may be 20-30 days depending on repair rate of the skin. Skin healing creams, vitamins which have been recommended by your doctor may be used between sessions. Mesotherapy, dermoroller, PRP and some other laser types may be used in combination with this method.

Treatment of stria is among the most difficult therapies. It is not possible to completely eliminate them. It is targeted to diminish stria.

Long Plus DYE laser, fraxional laser

Ulthera, mesotherapy, PRP, peelinger are used in combination.

Red stria responses fast. It recovers almost in one session. However it may take 3 sessions to treat pearl gray and horizontal stria.

Skin treatment Stria Treatment with fraxel laser
Skin treatment Stria Treatment with fraxel laser